After applying all the techniques that agribusiness offers to conventional farming and observing what happens to plants and soil, we realized that we were on the wrong way:
- Flora inversions are produced by applying herbicides. Species such as conyza that are resistant to conventional herbicides invading the soil, which aggravates the problem.
- Eliminating the grass to not compete in the soil with the olive trees, no plant remains are produced that provide to organic matter and prevent soil erosion, thus causing a loss of life in the soil.
- With synthetic mineral fertilizers we salinize the soil. We alter the normal development of plants creating imbalances that make them vulnerable to pests and diseases, we pollute aquifers,… etc.
- We resort to phytosanitary treatments offered by the agro-industry to fix the imbalances that we create with synthetic fertilization, and we find more problems, the insecticides authorized to combat pests kill the auxiliary fauna and make the farm dependent on insecticides and fungicides. Products to treat diseases such as the repilo, are highly harmful to life and soil microorganisms.
We impoverish and intoxicate the soil
Where we produce food
We realize that conventional farming is kidnapped by an agribusiness that makes it dependent on inputs that it cannot produce on the farm itself, that it has to buy them year after year and with prices always rising, since most of them are produced with high energy consumption.
A macabre circle in which we fertilize and apply treatments to the plants we grow, impoverishing and poisoning the soil and environment in which we are producing FOOD.

Timeline towards change
Organic and biodynamic farming
Due to the above, in 2012 we decided to change the way of cultivating the land offered by the agro-industry for more respectful techniques, we abolished the use of herbicides and insecticides and we gradually began to change chemical fertilization for organic. Already in 2014 we cultivated the entire farm with organic farming techniques, and in 2015 we applied for certification for organic farming.
In 2016 we discovered a new organic farming that allows us to walk towards self-sufficiency, a completely respectful farming with the environment, which vivifies the soil, which treats it as a living organ, where the plants are cultivated following natural rhythms and treated with natural products.
A farming where the mineral, vegetable, animal kingdoms and we make up a Farm Organism, this is Biodynamic Farming.
Know Us Better
Meet the faces and craft behind Finca Tindávar's Organic and Biodinamic Olive Oil
Biodynamic farming
Pass over the images to see more information
Horn-manure (500)
The BD 500 preparation is made from cow manure (fermented in a cow horn that is buried in the soil for six months through autumn and winter) and is used as a soil spray to stimulate root growth and humus formation.
Horns extracted with the preparation (500)
Once the horns are unearthed with the 500 preparation, the contents are removed from the horn and the horns can be reused.
Storage of the preparation in a jar (500)
Horn silica (501)
The BD 501 preparation is made from powdered quartz (packed inside a cow horn and buried in the soil
for six months through spring and summer) and applied as a foliar spray to stimulate and regulate growth.
Silica freshly extracted from the horn (501)
The horns of this preparation should not be reused.
Silica stored in glass jars(501)
The content extracted from the horns is stored in a glass jar in a sunny and dry place.
Maria Thun's preparation
Detail of the Maria Thun preparation in a buried jar just at the moment we put the compost preparations.
Dynamizer vortex
The spray preparations from dung and quartz, will affect the growth dynamics of the plant throughout its cycle. Both preparations are stirred vigorously in warm water so that a strong whirlpool is formed with the movement.
Horsetail plant preparation
Decoction of dried horsetail plant. This diluted infusion is sprayed on the olive trees to strengthen them and protect them from fungi.
The importance of the calendar
Schedule of preparations
We make organic goat compost
In our biodynamic olive grove we make compost from the manure of a organic neighboring farm of goats.
We include biodynamic preparations to compost
During the composting process that lasts at least one year, we put the biodynamic compost preparations with the help of a tube, after each turning. We spread this mature compost in autumn on the soil of our farm to revive it.
Storage box for preparations
Listen To Us
We have participated in the podcast “Dame Yesca” telling about our experience in the world of oil, our present and our future.

Two different lands separated by a border. Two types of farming. Two different seasons.